Instructor from JKA HQ, Tokyo

Every year the JKAWF INDIA invites Instructors from JKA HQ, Japan twice a year. The biannual events comprise ‘keiko’ or training days besides Dan & other Qualification Examinations. These events are conducted with the prime objective of providing students with a platform to train with other students across branches of the JKAWF INDIA, under the guidance of Japanese masters from the JKA HQ. It is also during these events by invited Instructors from Japan, that our association Instructors get the opportunity to refine their techniques and upgrade their teaching methodologies to the scientifically evolving practises by JKA, Tokyo.

Just like Doctors need to know about the latest drugs available for Healthcare or Engineers need to stay abreast of current technology, even it is a need for “Shidoin” Association Karate Instructors to stay updated. Therefore, these events are helpful for both Students and Instructors alike. At JKAWF INDIA, the trainings by JKA HQ Instructors are duly planned to ensure that all instructors are following the International standards. 

The fees for attending these ‘keiko’ by Japanese Instructors are kept within affordable limits considering the financial limitations of participants from India, aligned with the objective of JKAWF INDIA to spread JKA Karate to every corner of the country. 

During the lockdown and restricted period in the country due to Covid-19 pandemic the JKAWF INDIA, has also organised training online by JKA Instructors in various categories to maintain continuity and to keep the traction ongoing. We have successfully hosted two online JKA Dan & Qualifications Tests that were conducted from the JKA HQ during this period.

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