The first day of JKA Bangalore Dojo Keiko went well with about 26 students attending the two sessions training hard with Somnath Palchowdhury Sensei. The highlights of the training were the fundamentals of JKA Karate, TachiWaza, Correct Form and Footwork, KihonWaza involving various drills, GohonKumite and its principles. The involvement of the parents in smooth running of the event needs special mentioning.The warm hospitality of the host instructor Rajarshi Ray was exceptional.
The second day of the keiko in JKA Bangalore Dojo got over followed by KYU rank promotion tests held exclusively for the JKA members. JKA Passports, Kyu Certificates have been issued that came from the JKA Headquarters, Tokyo beside Camp Participation Certificates for all.
Today Somnath Sensei covered ido-kihon that are required for up to 7th kyu level, pushed the students for correct stepping while moving in various direction, Kata: Taikyoku-Shodan and Heian-Shodan and Gohon-Kumite. Sensei stressed on developing correct attitude and spirit that is expected while training Gohon-Kumite. Sensei spent a good half an hour time teaching the students the correct way and protocol while entering and leaving the dojo, the correct way to do Seiza, the correct and different ways of standing Rei (bow) and the reasons behind these.
Sensei surprised all present with a brief Tamashiwari demonstration by breaking wooden blocks that created great excitement amongst all present.
There were many parents and grand parents were present as it’s Sunday and have expressed their high satisfaction towards the two days keiko.
It’s time for grand Sayonara Party hosted by JKA Bangalore – A unit of JKAWF INDIA Kolkata.
Today Somnath Sensei covered ido-kihon that are required for up to 7th kyu level, pushed the students for correct stepping while moving in various direction, Kata: Taikyoku-Shodan and Heian-Shodan and Gohon-Kumite. Sensei stressed on developing correct attitude and spirit that is expected while training Gohon-Kumite. Sensei spent a good half an hour time teaching the students the correct way and protocol while entering and leaving the dojo, the correct way to do Seiza, the correct and different ways of standing Rei (bow) and the reasons behind these.
Sensei surprised all present with a brief Tamashiwari demonstration by breaking wooden blocks that created great excitement amongst all present.
There were many parents and grand parents were present as it’s Sunday and have expressed their high satisfaction towards the two days keiko.
It’s time for grand Sayonara Party hosted by JKA Bangalore – A unit of JKAWF INDIA Kolkata.