The first-ever JKAWF INDIA ONLINE GASSHUKU 2020 was being hosted by “JKAWF INDIA Kolkata” on the last 14th and 15th of August with 209 karateka from ungraded White Belt to Sandan Black Belt training under 7 Shidoin (association instructors) while couple of other shared valuable tips to the participants.
The participants were divided into 3 groups as per their ranks and placed in 3 separate “Virtual Dojo”.
Trainings were conducted on various themes such as: Flexibility & Posture; Balance & Coordination; Agility & Reaction Time; Strength & Endurance. These were covered through various exercises and drills using tools and props; not to be missed relating the same with the 3 elements of Karate-Do – KIHON, KATA & KUMITE.
The JKAWF INDIA Kolkata wishes to thank the 209 participants from Kerala, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Punjab, J&K, Assam and WB; and the senior instructors, Sona Ghosh, Dr. Pradeep Sharma, Gokul Chandra Dutta, Prof. Puneet Bhattacharya, Arindam Sikdar, Dibyendu Mandal, Sanjay Biswas, Somnath Palchowdhury and Ameer Adukkattil for their hard work making this #TheNewNormal event as #FightAgainstCarona (the slogan recommend by the JKA HQ) a grand success.
The entire fees collected are distributed amongst the active association instructors who are passing through an unprecedented economic crisis due to lockdown since March 2020