A 7 member “JKAWF INDIA Kolkata Team” attending “JKA 16th Asia-Oceania Karate Camp & Conference 2019” in Bangkok. The camp has started on 6th of December and will last till 8th December.
There were 2 sessions of “Instructor’s Training” and each session were for a couple of hours. The main course instructor was TATSUYA NAKA Shihan who covered many aspects of “Body Dynamics” viz. Body Shifting, Body Lifting, Body Dropping, Body Compression, Body Expansion etc. He also explained the 5 Triangles in a karate posture that helps generating maximum focus, stability and energy. ‘Proper way of Breathing’ of each of every move in Kata, that is also very effective in Kumite was one of the fundamental themes of the day.Naka Shihan explained the importance of Posture, Power, Spirit and Breathing in JKA Budo Karate-Do. Overall both the classes were totally educational and highly intellectually stimulating.
Four JKA Shotokan Kata were covered; Kata Tekki Sandan, Gankaku, Hangetsu and Jitte.
The JKAWF INDIA Kolkata would like to thank Fujikiyo Omura Shihan for hosting such wonderful events annually, for the invitation and for being such a wonderful host.All members of JKAWF INDIA Kolkata trained on the first day gave their best and enjoying at the fullest training hard-core JKA Karate.Here are a few randomly clicked snaps.