3rd day of the “2018 JKA Kolkata 3rd Annual Karate Camp” at Khudiram Anushilan Kendra, Kolkata today was probably the best technically informative day of this year’s gasshuku. We had the great honour to be checked and corrected our Kihon Waza from JKA Nidan & Sandan Syllabus; Kata Wankan, Nijushiho, Tekki Shodan, Tekki Nidan, Yakusoku Kumite drill with three opponents beside various Kihon Waza. Sensei paid great attention to the meaning (Bunkai) of the key moves of each Kata that were covered today.The training hall bursted in applaud while sensei displayed some of his Kumite skill on his choosen opponents, the few that felt honoured to be beaten up by the caring master.The three day Technical Seminar ended today with the praise, motivational advice, tips from Shiina Sensei while the trainees were dying to have more from the master despite of the bruises, aches and soreness from the hard-core JKA training.Here are a brief glimpses of the wonderful day.